Seership is part of our soul’s evolution and as we advance in our mediumship it is often natural for it to come thru as we work . Develop ways to allow this ability to florish and develop by practicing with your peers and unfolding it’s natural flow.
Become sure in your abilities and find ways to expand on seership. Use it in Demonstration and open your talents to groups as you expand on your unique mediumship abilities.
Become comfortable with the flow of info that leads you into a recipients future self or experiences and unfold them with still clarity that is only available thru a deep connection to self and spirit.
Expand in your awareness of future earth so that you may tune into Seership for your own life, the world around you and upcoming world events.
Become focused as a developing prophet in ways that can be used in group sessions, or private 1:1, knowing you are in true service to spirit and the universal flow of energy that exists for all.
Understand the difference between ‘possibilities’ and ‘most likely outcomes’ and how to discern these streams of information within yourself.
Develop and expand your abilites as a light worker, dedicated to humanity and your own evolution.